- 09.01.2024
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Independent Accountability Mechanisms (IAMs), when implemented effectively, can be transformative tools for justice.
IAMs are a forum for communities whose human rights and environment are harmed by investments to raise their concerns and have them addressed.
This updated version of the Good Policy Paper assesses current policy provisions at IAMs, identifying best practices and areas for improvement.
We hope that this guide will inform the creation of new Independent Accountability Mechanisms and provide insights for future IAM reviews. We hope to spark discussions with IAMs, institutions, management, Boards, and governments about how complaint processes can be more effective, equitable and accessible for complainants seeking remedy, and improve outcomes for all involved in the accountability process.
It is published by:
Accountability Counsel
Bank Information Center (BIC)
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
Community Empowerment and Social Justice Network (CEMSOJ) Gender Action
Green Advocates International (Liberia)
Inclusive Development International
International Accountability Project
Jamaa Resource Initiatives
Urgewald e.V.