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About us webpage_Recourse team at an advocacy meeting at the World Bank 2022

About us

Recourse targets development finance as a means of influencing the wider investment community, financial flows and governments, to ensure inclusive, environmentally sustainable, socially just and pro-poor development.


How we work

  • Partnering with others to influence decision-makers and hold financial institutions to account.
  • Advocating to shift policies and practices to ensure inclusive, environmentally sustainable, socially just and pro-poor development.
  • Using evidence-based research and advocacy to build a compelling case for change.
  • Partnering with local communities and civil society to secure their rights and fight discrimination.
  • Working in solidarity with local communities to open political space and ensure their voice in development decision-making.
  • Supporting communities who have suffered harm to gain remedy and justice.
  • Building coalitions to be greater than the sum of our parts and maximise impact.
  • Movement-building to foster long-term systemic change.
  • Networking and capacity-building to create an informed and engaged movement to hold financial institutions accountable.