At the heart of Recourse’s mission is how we work collaboratively with partners and allies.
Our campaigning aims to hold financial institutions to account. We influence decision-makers through our partnerships and with our allies to advocate for policy change. Together, we identify inclusive and environmentally sustainable policies to ensure Recourse’s vision of a pro-poor and socially just form of development is at the heart of financial institutions’ practices and – where that is absent – to hold them to account. In this way our evidence-based research and advocacy builds a compelling case for the change that we wish to see.
Partnering and allyship means partnering with local communities and civil society organisations to secure their rights and to fight against discrimination. Solidarity with local communities helps to open the political space for change by ensuring their voices are heard in decision-making. Very often our work with communities documents harms they have suffered in projects where the international financial institutions are involved. We support the communities to gain remedy and demand justice.
To ensure change is long-lasting and impactful, the lessons of the work we do with our partners and allies have to be applied more generally. Recourse works as part of many civil society coalitions to maximise the impact of our message. We support movements to build coalitions capable of fostering long-term systemic change. We do this by networking and capacity-building. This supports informed and engaged communities capable of demanding accountability from the financial institutions impacting people’s lives and livelihoods across the world.